Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Topshop Haul

Love or hate Topshop you can't beat if for being bang on trend. But being a Topshop shopper in the UK and wincing at their pricing there I got quite the shock to find that here in the UAE Topshop pricing is at least 1/3 more expensive than in the UK! Therefor I generally avoid the place like the plague!
That was until I heard of a well-kept secret clearance Topshop in Ibn Battuta mall!
I didn't believe it until I saw it for myself... Yes a clearance store! Everything was AED 79 or less (that’s roughly £14!!!) As I raced around the store in a panic the shop assistant kindly reassured me that this was a clearance store getting sale items from other stores and this was usually the pricing. Before I get everyone's hopes up there was a lot of random stuff and a huge amount of knitwear and winter coats, not ideal for coming into the summer in Dubai, but other than that I still managed to get some gems!

I call these my Herman Munster’s, the jury is still out on these ones… I personally love them and their comfort levels soar through the roof so in my book that's win win, but I know they really aren't for everyone!

FYI: Having leaked this secret I feel like I'm the High Street version of Julian Assange. I did have big plans on keeping this all to myself, but this is for the betterment of society. *Raises clenched fist*

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love your OOTD in the first picture!

